Energy Shift Update: Sure Footing

This is the time to include God / SPIRIT in your life. The last shift was to clear and clean out your life, career, health, and set your sights for what you desire to have happen for the rest of 2014. Now it is time to create sure footing under your path and direction. There is no place for fear, abandonment, or negative self talk. Focus on the pure love of SPIRIT and the light that it brings within.

The perigee moon begins today September 9th. Beginning now choose the highest road of wisdom that is available to you. If you have been faltering in your life to complete this or that, change jobs, enhance your relationships with your family, mend old or broken relationships, or significantly amplify your health, now is the time. Here are the ways to move forward and increase your ability to transform the energy into a positive life experience.

Magnify Creativity. Where once you have fear and uncertainty increase your creativity.

When the shift begins to take place in your life, or make itself apparent, certain things, people, or situations may change drastically. Trust in the power of the Divine and that God is giving you what you have requested. Energy requires a shift in order to let new things in. That means that you will feel some changes – embrace the experience for it is part of the process.

If you have been experiencing energy in your life that you are finished with, or feel that you have completed – put it out of your life now. The energy is such that purging your deepest fear, your not so pretty self talk, the stuff that has been taking space up in your closet is easier and more effortless than ever before.

The challenge is to get yourself past the self stop hump. So release procrastination, frustration, confusion, and walk forward in faith, wisdom, and knowledge toward what you desire. It will cause all the other stuff to be purged from your life. If you fill your life with right actions, grace, and loving yourself all else has to fade because there is simply no room for it.

If you have already taken steps toward clearing and cleaning – open your heart and mind to receive your desires. This is it, this is the time. Your creative energy right now is at an all time high. Our connection with Source has been accelerating all year. It is time to develop your inner voice and strengthen the loving connection that you share with the Creator Source of All.

Your inner voice, once connected with Source, has all the insight that you need to create an authentically successful life. Source has created the Universe such that it will bring to you what you create with your mind, thoughts, and actions.

Blessings to you,


At For Heavens Sake Book on September 11th in Denver
be sure to mark your calendar and I will see you there! (phone appointments also available).

Path to success: Align your logical and emotional bodies with your actions. Develop a plan with strategies of how you are going to get from here to there. Take action. SPIRIT / God will support you and shift things to help you, but you must be ready, willing, and able to receive.

Are you ready to honor and value yourself and your purpose here? Could you use a little help? I am taking 5 people next week for a free one hour get to know each other session where we will talk about what is blocking your success to your health, finances, or relationships. This is a special opportunity only for my facebook followers so to take advantage of this offer click this link and click like. Then send me a Facebook text and I will send you the next two available times until I reach capacity. I am looking forward to getting to know you.

To stay connected to this and other updates:

Big Hug, and I send love to you all – together we will ascend,

Deanna Gloyd


© 2014 Healing Hands Network LLC

*Legal Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to accurately represent our program, services, or guidance, and its potential. This is offered as a spiritual energy. Each souls journey is different and thus the results will differ for each person.  The testimonials and examples used are of motivated and dedicated individuals, and don’t apply to every purchaser and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. Each individual’s success depends on his or her background, dedication, desire and motivation. As with any self help endeavor, it is the responsibility of each individual to consult their health care provider, legal council, or other professional as needed, and be responsible for themselves and their health.

©2014 Healing Hands Network LLC

1 thought on “Energy Shift Update: Sure Footing”

  1. Thanks, I look forward to updates and the information that you gave in your post. I am also excited to get my daughter involved into some positive thinking.

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