Mastering a New Way to think in 2022!

Have you ever wondered why you keep experiencing the same things over and over again? What if you could change your reality simply by changing your thoughts . . .starting right now.

Mastering a New Way to think in 2022! You can beat the mass anxiety feeling! You can lead a life of joy! How? Tune in now!

Today I would like to invite you to shift your reality model, or how you think about yourself and your life. The goal is so that you are no longer spending endless amounts of time in a negative thinking loop while freeing your mind to create a more positive life in every moment.

Does that sound impossible? I assure you, it is absolutely possible, and I have helped thousands of people just like you to learn how embrace their divine right just by clearing their current ball of negative mental energy.

However . . .at this point in your thought process, it probably seems impossible to stop the negative anxiety creating thinking.

Your current thought process creates your current reality model, and your reality model feeds into your current thoughts getting in the way of giving you a more positive life.

Clearing the current ball of negative mental energy (making changes in how you think about yourself) will make it possible for you to GROW into a more positive life in every moment:

  • Positive Self Talk,
  • Speaking about yourself in positive terms,
  • Speaking about your life story in the present using positive words.

This is about shifting your mind so that you create a more positive vibration in every area of your life simply by speaking it into being.

I would like to share something that happened recently when I was speaking to my close friend, Joanna, who has always been supportive of me . . . changed her tune, if you will. One afternoon I called her and began telling her about my recent changes in my life. Instead of telling me what wonderful progress I had made, she interrupted me.

She said, “Why are you speaking to me about your past, you are not repeating it so why are you talking about it?”

It was definitely not what I was expecting, and it made me step back mentally and consider everything I had been energetically creating both outload and in my mind. I knew that I had made great milestones in my life in releasing a very negative past. I knew that I wanted to share my progress. I also realized that by putting energy into the past I was dragging it into my future, and my now.

And what I realized is, to end the negative thinking loop, I had to acknowledge the past was in the past, and allow my mind to freely create a positive now by speaking about it. I didn’t know how I was going to do that. I asked myself:

  • Was it possible for me to turn loose of the past hurt and quit wearing it like a merit badge?
  • Could I speak from my heart without allowing my mind to muck it up?

I happily discovered that there are actually many, many ways to do so very successfully.

Here’s what I want you to know: Changing your thoughts an how you speak about your life will radially change how your experience each moment in your life.


  1. Changing how you speak about yourself shapes how others see you and treat you.
  2. Working with a less cluttered mind neutralizes negative loop thinking.
  3. Positive thoughts create positive energy and allow you to live a more stress free life. Less wear and tear on your physical body and more time to enjoy living fully.

Of course, this kind of change will take some time to put into place, and the long term goal is that you continually increase your positive impact on your reality model while increasing your emotional freedom.

Let’s take a look at how your can impact your reality model.

Start by questioning your current thought process:

*What do I think about the most everyday?

*How many of those thoughts are negative either about myself or others?

Next, ask yourself if you could handle the kind of growth we are discussing:

*If you experienced something positive would you be able to focus yourself on only talking about that?

*How many positive things can I talk about now understanding that I am creating the future?

Remember to be honest with yourself about where you are with both your reality model and how it feels to consider this kind of growth.

If the thought of creating more positive talk each day sound more daunting than exciting I am here to help. Let’s get clear on what you desire to make a reality in your life and the necessary shifts for you to handle the kind of impact and freedom you dream of in your day to day reality.

Book a free exploratory session with me so that I can help you look at where to start, map out a plan, answer your questions and see if I might be a good fit for supporting you in shifting your reality model.

The call is completely free, and without obligation, so there’s no reason to wait. This simple conversation is a chance for me to get to know you better, hear more about your vision for yourself, and your needs: it could be that one call that changes everything.

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